PR Club Panel Event: The Future of New Media: Click, Subscribe, Engage

Newsletters are a key part of the “new media” as publishers continue to evaluate digital avenues to distribute news, send information directly to subscribers, and engage with their audiences in a more personal way. This panel will educate attendees on:

  • The rise of new media platforms and independent journalists vs. mainstream media
  • The role newsletters play in fostering deeper engagement and brand loyalty
  • How to use newsletters for media opportunities


  • Steph Solis, Axios Boston Reporter
  • Jenn Sinrich, Co-Founder of Mila & Jo Media
  • Additional panelists TBA

Moderator: Emma Neal, Vice President of Earned Media, Allison Worldwide

Buy tickets HERE!

When? Thursday, April 17 at 6:00 PM ET

Where? 360PR+, 200 State Street, 4th Floor, Boston